Paul Frediani's Sports Athletics
Paul Frediani's Ski Flex
Paul Frediani's Ski Flex
Over 50 million Americans grab their skis and hit the slopes each year. However, most skiers are often out of shape during the warmer months. Renowned personal trainer Paul Frediani and world-famous ski instructer Harald Harb have designed a program just for skiers to increase flexibility, avoid injury, and stay in shape in and out of season! The revolutionary Ski Flex program takes just ten minutes a day to improve your skills and stay fit on and off the mountain.
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This easy-to-use guide provides a dependable strength and conditioning program for the first timers and regular weekend skiers. The fourth book in the revolutionary Sports Flex series, Ski Flex meets the demand for sports specific flexibility programs that can be done anywhere in a short amount of time.

Read these SKI FLEX articles and reviews:

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